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My name is Stijn Verhagen, and I'm thrilled to introduce myself as Stone Trademark. Let me take you on a journey through my exciting timeline!

For many years, my passion has revolved around media productions. I've always been captivated by the world of music, movies, and digital technologies – in essence, everything related to media. This enthusiasm led me to hone my skills in Adobe software, turning my creative visions into graphic illustrations and eventually evolving into my very first video projects, crafted for diverse purposes. This creative journey culminated in the establishment of our initial venture, Aesten AV Productions, from 2011 to 2017.


During this time, I embarked on my educational path, enrolling in the first year of the Audio-Visual Production program at the 'Eindhovense School'. I had the privilege to collaborate with prominent clients, allowing me to expand my expertise in concept development, motion graphics, and storytelling.

It became increasingly apparent to me that learning is inseparable from taking action. By "doing something," I discovered that opportunities abound. This revelation led me to delve into event production, specifically the creation of BezemWoods, a successful event that drew up to 700 visitors during its zenith, in 2012 and 2013.

In 2013, I decided to further pursue my passion by enrolling in the International Event, Music, and Entertainment Management Studies at the Fontys Academy for Creative Industries in Tilburg.

During my time at the academy, I delved deeper into the realms of events, project management, and media creation, culminating in the successful completion of my studies in 2020, which awarded me a Bachelor of Arts in Communication.

In the third year of my academic journey, I embarked on my first internship with Festival Mundial in 2016. Here, I took on a multifaceted role, overseeing the creative production and stage management of "Reggae Island," a brand-new section within the festival. I was also jointly responsible for crucial production aspects such as accreditation, safety plans, festival mapping, and managing the festival's crew and volunteers.

Starting in 2017, I adopted my alias and artist name, "Stone Trademark." That summer, I joined the Nightwatch crew, with whom I collaborated for two remarkable years. During this period, I assumed the role of a production assistant for event activations, honing my expertise in creative festival productions and stage management. Additionally, I became intricately involved in the marketing and communication strategies for the Nightwatch product, a natural energy drink. I had the privilege of working with renowned festivals and event locations, including Mandala Festival, Living Village Festival, Healing Garden, Wildeburg, Into the Woods, Blijburg, and Radion Amsterdam.

In September 2021, I expanded my creative horizons by establishing a dedicated creative workspace. This marked a pivotal moment in my career as it opened up a world of possibilities.

In November of that year, I made a significant investment in a state-of-the-art laser cutter. This new addition to my toolkit has been a game-changer, enabling me to explore fresh avenues in the realm of digital media brought to life in the physical world. With this cutting-edge technology at my disposal, I've delved into exciting projects that merge the digital and physical realms in unprecedented ways. This innovative approach has allowed me to push the boundaries of creativity, offering a dynamic dimension to my work that was previously unattainable.

As I continue to evolve as an artist and a professional, I am eager to explore more captivating projects and challenge the limits of what can be achieved in the world of media and creative expression. My journey is one of constant growth and exploration, and I am thrilled to see what new adventures lie ahead.

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